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Saturday Night’s Alright For Commenting: April 14, 2018

Related Topics: Haaretz, April 14, Grand Canyon

I need your help.

I’m going to the Grand Canyon in two weeks. I’m leaving Thursday after work. I need to be at the Grand Canyon before 5 p.m. Saturday to pick up my permits. I hike on Sunday.

I’m going to be driving. I can get there Saturday sometime. That gives me a day and a half to do whatever I want somewhere in Arizona or New Mexico. And as of right now I have no idea what to do.

I thought about day hiking in the Gila Wilderness outside Albuquerque. I thought about going to Saguaro National Park, but after looking into it more, it seems like a far out place, they have some good backpacking there, the cacti don’t flower for a few more weeks, and I think I want to make a trip out of it on its own.