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*The Astros got Good Charlie Morton (or at least Bad Phillies) and a couple of key hits in the 6th inning and rode it out for a 5-0 win over Philadelphia. The Astros are 67-33, 37-12 on the road, 9-0 against the National League. Since the Mariners defeated the Red Sox again, the Astros' lead is still 17 games. Their lead on the team with the second-best record in the AL is 13 games. There are 62 games left.

*Astros record at 100 games, previous seasons:
2017: 67-33
2016: 54-46
2015: 55-45
2014: 42-58
2013: 34-66
2012: 34-66
2011: 33-67

Just to make sure you saw it, the Astros have won 67 games in their first 100 games in 2017.