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From the Office of the County Clerk: G158 - Astros in Seattle

Scott Kazmir (7-11, 2.97) versus Johnny Everyman (aka the Mariners Bullpen, 20-33, 4.12)

Like Carlos Gómez, AC Readers, I have declared myself fit and back in the lineup. I sincerely apologise for my absence, and will start by penning a brief note in explanation. I have not been that well, currently on my fourth antibiotic of the last 6 weeks - thankfully for a bunch of different (and weird) ailments - plus I took the family on a tropical holiday, which was awesome, but patchy internet-wise. A whole lot of other stuff has gone on, too, including a short-term job that involved 12 hour days, some reports needing to be submitted to various agencies, and the start of a new permanent job, which looks more do-able work-wise than the one I left in July.