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Cheatin'-ass Cardinals: Sunday Morning Hot Links

Related Topics: Cheatin', Rob Manfred

*82 days after Rob Manfred said that MLB was "in the last ten yards" of their investigation into the Cheatin'-ass Cardinals, new details into the Cardinals' breach into Ground Control have been unsealed by a federal judge. Among those details:

-Chris Correa broke into Ground Control 48 times.
-He had unlimited access to Sig Mejdal's email account for 2.5 years
-He tried to get into the accounts of Bo Porter, Brent Strom, Colin Wyers, and three minor-league players.
-Correa accessed the Astros' trade notes 14 times leading up to the trade deadline.
-Correa is the one who leaked the information to Deadspin, which is pretty freaking stupid, seeing as how that's how the Astros realized they'd been breached, and what led to Correa's prison sentence.