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An Astros fan's guide to the 2016 playoffs: American League edition

No, the Astros did not make the playoffs. I know. Yes, it's sad. I know Sports Illustrated lied to you. They lied to me, too. Bastards. Anyhow, even though the Astros are not playing any more baseball this season, there are still reasons to watch the playoffs from a fan's perspective. Here's a guide:

American League
Toronto Blue Jays, 89-73, 1st Wild Card.
Record vs. Astros: 5-2.

I need Toronto to beat the Orioles tonight so that we can all watch a rematch of the Blue Jays/Rangers series from last year. Should the Blue Jays win - and I think they will - there is a better chance of seeing blood on the field than there is of a Dallas Cowboy getting arrested for drug paraphernilia in a routine traffic stop.