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BIIF eight-man football: Ka’u stampedes past Pahoa for take another title

PAHALA — The Ka‘u bulldozers mowed the grass and anything else in the way on the field at Laurence Capellas ballpark on Saturday.

The Trojans played smash-mouth football and wore down Pahoa 38-24 in the BIIF eight-man championship, winning their third title in four seasons.

The only time the Trojans didn’t win the crown was in 2015 when Kohala beat them.

There’s still no HHSAA tournament because three leagues are needed. The Maui Interscholastic League is only other one in the state playing eight-man.

But at least Ka‘u can bask in the glory as the kings on the Big Island, and coach DuWayne Ke’s team got there the old-fashioned way — blocking and tackling better than the opposition.