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Wednesday Cheese Curds: Packers’ pass rush the biggest disappointment of Monday night loss

If there’s one thing the Packers’ defense should do well, it’s rush the passer.

Between Rashan Gary, Kenny Clark, Devonte Wyatt, and Preston Smith alone, you’d think the Packers should be able to scrape together some kind of pass rush every week. That’s enough talent on the front line alone to power a good to very good attack, and we’ve not even mentioned JJ Enagbare or Lukas Van Ness, both promising enough youngsters in their own ways.

But against the Giants, the pass rush was utterly toothless. Between the scrambles of Tommy DeVito, a third-string quarterback whose career storyline is so cheesy it makes Tony Danza’s garbage man football movie look sober and grounded, and a strong effort from the league’s worst pass blocking offensive line, the Packers’ most reliable defensive talent was completely stymied.