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Watch Brett Favre Drive Peyton Manning In A C2 Corvette

Watching two legendary NFL quarterbacks roll around in a legendary American sports car is about as patriotic as you can get. Brett Favre drove Peyton Manning around in a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible. While it’s a beautiful C2, the car is even more notable since it was gifted to Bart Starr, the Super Bowl I MVP. That’s quite a bit of star power in one video.

This all is part of a newish show on ESPN+ called Peyton’s Places. It’s a football-themed documentary meant to celebrate the 100th season of the NFL. While there are other adventures in the above preview video, like Manning throwing a football off a skyscraper in New York City or dressing up as Elvis to play touch football in Memphis, the section about the two stars rolling around in a Chevrolet Corvette is the most captivating moment.