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Packers Thanksgiving History: Green Bay holds 14-19-2 record on Turkey Day

Let's take a look at Green Bay's length history playing on Thanksgiving Day.

This is going to be a little different. Instead of running down the usual series history post, I will be recounting the Packers' history on Thanksgiving Day. Currently, the Packers are 14-19-2 on Thanksgiving. The record breaks down as follows:

vs. Brooklyn Dodgers: 1-0
vs. Chicago Cardinals: 0-2
vs. Dallas Cowboys: 0-2
vs. Detroit Lions: 8-12-2
vs. Frankford Yellow Jackets: 2-2-1
vs. Hammond Pros: 1-0
vs. Kansas City Blues: 1-0
vs. Pottsville Maroons: 0-1
vs. Providence Steam Rollers: 1-0

When the NFL (then the APFA) began play in 1920, Thanksgiving was an immediate part of the schedule.