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Packers: 17 49ers: 3

I don't agree. GB had 10 series. Only 3 contained run, run, pass punt.

1st Series:
Inc.; -1 run; Sack/Penalty gives first down;
Inc; Pass 8, Pass 10 first down
Pass 5; run 6; first down
Pass 12 first down
run 5; pass 19 first down
run 2, pass 9 for a TD

2nd series:
run 9 (montgomery from the backfield), Pass - scramble 12 1st down
Pass 6, Mont. rush 1, false start 3rd and 8, Pass/scramble 8; Punt.

3rd series
run 5, run 3, inc., punt (1st time the dreaded run, run, pass).