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NFL announces 2021 Restricted Free Agent tender numbers, setting up Packers’ decisions

The Green Bay Packers have decisions to make on six restricted free agent players in the next five days. Of these five, one is a full-time starter, another played starter-level snaps on defense, and a third was a key rotational piece. Two others fall squarely in the backup category, making their restricted free agency decisions a bit more dicey.

On Friday morning, the NFL finally announced the values for the various RFA tenders, giving the Packers and other teams all the information they need to make their final decisions on players in this category. Teams may issue these tenders to their restricted free agents prior to the start of the 2021 league year on Wednesday; doing so gives the team the right of first refusal — the ability to match any offer sheet that the player signs with another team — and would force the team signing the player to send a draft pick in the specified round if the tendering team chose not to match the deal.