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Looking back at the long, storied history of Packers games in Milwaukee

A few weeks ago while I was doomscrolling Twitter on my birthday, I happened upon some familiar footage that seems to surface each and every December 18. In addition to being the date of my birth, that day is also the anniversary of Brett Favre’s iconic game-winning touchdown dive against the Atlanta Falcons.

From 27 years ago today…final game at County Stadium.

Mike Holmgren said he told Brett Favre before the play not to scramble.

— Zach Heilprin (@ZachHeilprin) December 18, 2021

Beyond the athletic prowess that was displayed in that headfirst plunge into the end zone, the moment was also so memorable because it sealed a win in—barring some very unexpected circumstances unfolding in the future—the final game the Packers will ever play in Milwaukee.