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How Much Do We Know About Young Players From Five Packers Practices?

Nearly a week into Packers Training Camp and with Family Night Practice on the horizon; it’s difficult – after the long, dark, NFL offseason – to temper one’s excitement. Packers fans are in a league all their own, showing up at sunrise for practices, filling chats and blogs like this one with comments to get their fill on the latest news on the team, following every camp tweet, McCarthy post practice press conference, wanting to know the surprises and disappointments, wanting to know everything.

Fans were asking for standouts on day 2 of camp. The internet is brimming with praise for so far camp standouts like Ty Montgomery and LaDarius Gunter and full of wondering if the window is closing on injured players like Jared Abbrederis and John Crockett, as they continue to miss playing time and others at their respective positions are standing out.