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Here are the odds Dallas Cowboys end 30-year Super Bowl drought, per DraftKings Sportsbook

The Kansas City Chiefs won their second Super Bowl in a row, defeating the San Francisco 49ers, 25-22, in overtime.

DraftKings Sportsbook has already put out odds on which team will hoist next year’s Vince Lombardi Trophy. Did the sportsbook predict the Dallas Cowboys will end their almost 30-year drought?

According to DraftKings, the Cowboys are the 10th most likely team to win next year’s Super Bowl, the rest of the top ten is listed below.

San Francisco 49ers +550

Kansas City Chiefs +650

Baltimore Ravens +900

Buffalo Bills +1000

Detroit Lions +1200

Cincinnati Bengals +1300

Miami Dolphins +1700

Philadelphia Eagles +2000

Green Bay Packers +2000

Dallas Cowboys +2000

Last season, DraftKings gave the Cowboys the sixth-best odds, but Dallas’ surprising 48-32 Wild Card loss at the hands of the Green Bay Packers coupled with the loss of defensive coordinator Dan Quinn seems to have lowered the sportsbook’s confidence in the Cowboys.