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Hawkins Hoping to Be the Ball-Hawk the Packers Need

Related Topics: Green Bay Packers, Josh Hawkins

Of all the plays made by the Packers' second-year undrafted cornerback Josh Hawkins Saturday night against the Redskins, one, in particular, stood out and set his tone for the rest of the game.

It was as early as the Redskins' first offensive possession. Tight end Vernon Davis, whose familiarity with the Packers is no secret, was positioned in the slot. Hawkins staring him down from a yard away: Davis was his assignment.

On a wheel, Davis beat Hawkins to the end zone and Washington quarterback Kirk Cousins likely thought he had a red zone touchdown. It wasn't until Hawkins quickly recovered and used his 31-5/8" reach to disrupt the process of Davis' catch, resulting in an incompletion.