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Green Bay Packers countdown: Chris Jacke and Chester Marcol

Most recently, we took a look at number 14 – Don Hutson, one of the greatest, if not the greatest Packer of all time, who wore the number from 1935 to 1945.

Today we move on to number 13 … a number worn by two kickers – Chris Jacke andChester Marcol.

Read those names again – Jacke and Marcol, two players in the Packers Hall of Fame .

Yes, the arguments about the best player to have played for the Packers should include the names of Ray Nitschke, Bart Starr, Brett Favre and Reggie White, but it was Jacke and Marcol, who helped set the standard for the modern game with their abilities and their actions that helped Packers teams through the years.