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Ex-Packers guard Daryn Colledge finds new calling with Army National Guard

GREEN BAY, Wis. -- Daryn Colledge played in 148 games during his nine-year NFL career. And before every one of them, including Super Bowl XLV, he would hold his helmet above his head at the end of each rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner."

As “And the home of the brave …” rang out and the crowd’s cheers crescendoed, it was Colledge’s way to salute those in the military, past and present.

“It was just a raise of the hat, a raise of the helmet to the people serving,” Colledge explained.

In fact, before one game early in his career, Packers team photographer Jim Biever captured the moment during a Lambeau Field flyover, and the photo still hangs in Colledge’s home in Boise, Idaho.