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Cheesehead Origins: Sam Holman a Newer Fan with the Passion of a Lifelong Diehard

Sam Holman wasn't exactly a fan from birth, but he's caught up quickly.

Welcome to Cheesehead Origins, an offseason series geared toward showcasing Packer fans with interesting fandom origin stories! CheeseheadTV is devoted to Packer fans worldwide, and we want to hear (and share) your stories.


Sam Holman is the youngest of the folks I’ve interviewed for this piece so far, and a relative newcomer to Packers Twitter. In fact, compared to many of you reading this article, he’s newer to the Packer fandom in general.

So how did he go from only slightly paying attention to Packers before the “Run the Table” stretch to now being a superfan, a writer for Wisconsin Sports Heroics and someone who is becoming a big part of the online conversation regarding the Packers?