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Cheesehead Origins: Dusty Evely’s Road from Unlikely Fan to Twitter’s Favorite Tape Guy

Dusty Evely has carved out a niche in Packer fandom for his outstanding offensive analysis.

Welcome to Cheesehead Origins, an offseason series geared toward showcasing Packer fans with interesting fandom origin stories! CheeseheadTV is devoted to Packer fans worldwide, and we want to hear (and share) your stories.


By now, if you’re a regular reader of Cheesehead TV or follow anything Packers-related on Twitter, you’re well familiar with Dusty Evely. What you might not know is that he is not, and never has been, a Wisconsinite.

Born and raised in Michigan, Dusty was fortunate enough to be born into Packer fandom instead of Lions fandom, despite the family’s other sports teams all being Detroit-based (Tigers, Red Wings, Pistons).