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A Packers loss to Washington would be particularly embarrassing

Usually I bring you some statistical preview of the upcoming game, and this will sort of devolve into that, but instead of statistics about the game itself, this is really about just how embarrassing it would be for the Green Bay Packers to lose to the absolutely excremental excuse for an NFL team known as the Washington Commanders.

First, their owner is a caricature of a rich billionaire, publicly committing all kinds of malfeasance, from his defamation lawsuit against Dave McKenna for a comedic parody newspaper that devolved into Snyder accusing McKenna of antisemitism, to Snyder clearcutting the old growth trees behind his house in violation of local environmental and zoning laws, and against the wishes of his neighbors, to give him a better view of a river, to ALL of the sexual harassment, resulting in a $10,000,000 fine by the NFL.