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Woods unaware of Kobe's death until after completing final round of Farmers

Tiger Woods walked off the 18th green, through the blue-tented tunnel and was headed towards the scoring trailer when caddie Joe LaCava quietly said something to him, inaudible to the video camera in tow.

“Excuse me?” you could hear Woods say in response.

On Sunday, around the time Woods was making the turn in the final round of the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines, news broke that NBA legend Kobe Bryant had been killed in a helicopter accident. It was later reported that Bryant’s 12-year-old daughter, Gianna, was also killed.

There were conflicting reports as to if LaCava made mention of Bryant’s death to Woods as he began the back nine, but Woods confirmed after his round that he didn’t know until LaCava told him as they exited the 18th green.