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Rain shortens hole at Nelson to 100-yard par 4

Related Topics: PGA Tour, Andrew Magee, AT&T, Hole in one

A 100-yard par 4? Welcome to the AT&T Byron Nelson Championship, where soggy conditions continue to dominate.

The Dallas/Fort Worth area has been beseiged by heavy rains in recent weeks, and the Four Seasons Resort was already on the brink of saturation before tournament play began. While the opening round was completed without a weather delay, the course received more than four inches of rain overnight, rendering a wet course simply unplayable.

The PGA Tour announced a three-hour delay to the start of the second round, then followed up with a rather unconventional course setup adjustment: the 14th hole, which is listed on the scorecard as a 406-yard par 4, will instead play only 100 yards during the second round because of water in the fairway.