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Mickelson's 600th start a milestone in a career overrun with milestones

MEXICO CITY – If a skinny 17-year-old Phil Mickelson could see himself now.

Although knowing Mickelson, he would probably offer some subtle jab about not having won a U.S. Open with that boyish smile that defines Lefty to this day.

This week’s WGC-Mexico Championship marks a milestone in a career overrun with milestones. This is Mickelson’s 600th start on the PGA Tour and while he’s still well off the record of 803 starts held by Mark Brooks, it’s clear the game’s most entertaining southpaw has no plans of slowing down anytime soon.

Lefty normally avoids self-reflection – the byproduct, no doubt, of a career defined by wild victories and crushing defeats – and when he was told of this week’s benchmark, it was as mundane to him as a routine par.