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Life on Tour: Firing 4 Irons at a Pelican

Related Topics: Gary McCord, Tour, Pelican, Golf

BILL CALFEE SPENT 11 YEARS as president of the Tour. Before that Calfee played on the PGA Tour and traveled with guys like John Schroeder and Gary McCord, the longtime CBS golf announcer.

In a recent story at, Calfee recalled a funny episode from the 1978 Pensacola Open. He, McCord and Schroeder were killing time in their room, playing cards and drinking adult beverages.

After some time had passed, [Gary] McCord looked out the window, down the wharf, and saw a pelican land at the end of the dock....
"It was like 130, 140 yards away, so I decided that since we were bored playing gin, that I would attempt 10 shots from my bedroom," McCord remembers.