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Justin Rose's son doesn't think dad's job is very cool

Leo Rose is growing up living in the same house as a golf superstar. Most kids would think that fact is pretty cool, but Leo isn’t so impressed with his father’s career path.

“Oh he is way more into soccer," said Leo’s dad, Justin Rose, the world’s No. 7-ranked golfer. "I’ve got no street cred in the house whatsoever. He even said flat out ‘Dad, why couldn’t you have been a soccer player? You’re just a golfer.’ "

Leo Rose, 7, is a much bigger soccer fan and in awe of professional soccer players. Luckily for Leo, he got to spend Monday afternoon hanging out with the guys from Orlando City Soccer Club and Orlando City B, as the Kate and Justin Rose Foundation and Orlando City Foundation joined together to host the inaugural FootGolf Fore Kids footgolf tournament at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Club.