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JR Smith Reflects on Getting 4.0 GPA in IG Video: 'Can't Even Describe the Feeling'

Former NBA guard JR Smith celebrated earning a perfect 4.0 grade-point average (GPA) during his first semester of college at North Carolina A&T State University.

Smith, who generated headlines for being a 36-year-old freshman on the Aggies' golf team, posted an Instagram video after finding out his final grades from the fall semester:

Complex Sports

“I can’t even describe the feeling… especially when you don’t think you can do it… you always hear about your disabilities...”<br><br>JR Smith got a 4.0 in his first semester at college!! ud83dudd25 <a href="">@TheRealJRSmith</a> <a href=""></a>

The two-time NBA champion also made a couple posts on Twitter:

JR Smith

Grades are in!