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Glenn honored at USWO: 'Go-to person in women's golf'

LANCASTER, Pa. – Rhonda Glenn’s media legacy with the USGA lives on this week.

Glenn, a USGA historian and tireless promoter of women’s golf, was honored in a media function in downtown Lancaster during the U.S. Women’s Open, where media took turns toasting Glenn, who died in February at 68. She had a multi-faceted media career. She was ESPN’s first female anchor and a women’s golf analyst for ABC before going to work in 1996 with the USGA, where she was manager of communications and chronicled the women’s game before retiring in 2013.

“For the 27 years that I've been out here, Rhonda was my go-to person in women's golf,” Golf Digest senior writer Ron Sirak said as part of his toast.