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Fowler, Thomas, Smylie rooming, living it up at PGA

Springfield, N.J. – It appears SB2K16 is the vacation that never ends.

Three months after Rickie Fowler, Justin Thomas Smylie Kaufman and Jordan Spieth took the Bahamas vacation heard 'round the golf world, the group remains (almost) inseparable, especially on the road.

Their latest adventure comes at the year's final major, where Fowler, Thomas and Kaufman are rooming together and continuing to have the time of their lives.

In their rental house near Baltusrol, the trio have been unwinding from the grind of the PGA Championship by playing with puppies, jumping in the pool, jamming out with Smylie when they aren't plucking out his hair, playing indoor soccer and "working out" with a medicine ball, and they've documented it all on Snapchat for our enjoyment: