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Feeling like old self and with old driver, Brooks Koepka ready to go at Masters

Related Topics: Brooks Koepka, Augusta, CJ Cup, PGA Tour

AUGUSTA, Ga. – After missing about two months of action, including the entire FedExCup Playoffs, Brooks Koepka was predictably rusty when he returned at last month’s CJ Cup. Koepka, who during the break had a second stem-cell treatment on his injured left knee and a cortisone injection in his hip, tied for 28th at Shadow Creek, and it was looking like another slow start last week at the Vivint Houston Open after he opened with rounds of 72-70.

What followed, though, was more Brooks-like. Koepka closed with back-to-back rounds of 65 to tie for fifth, his best finish on the PGA Tour since July 2019 in Memphis.