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D. Johnson's bunker mishap unlikely to be repeated

SHEBOYGAN, Wis. – Of the more than 1,000 bunkers that dot the landscape in this corner of Wisconsin farmland there will be no confusion.

The ubiquitous collections of sand and soil are now and will be for the foreseeable future hazards.

Call it the Dustin Johnson accord, but in fairness to the forlorn bomber he was hardly the only player to confuse one of Whistling Strait’s bunkers for a parking lot. He was just the one who did so at the most crucial moment during the 2010 PGA Championship.

Just as they did in 2010 and 2004, PGA of America officials have put the full press on this week to assure there is no sequel this time around, posting memos throughout the locker room that read: “All areas of the course that were designed and built as bunkers, filled with sand, will be played as bunkers (hazards).