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Beef's NYC tour included 3 burgers, Arby's, Katz's Deli

Related Topics: Arby's, Hamburger, New York City, Pastrami

SPRINGFIELD, N.J. – There's never been a fear of Andrew 'Beef' Johnston going hungry, but he took it to another level during his quick trip through New York City before this week's PGA Championship.

“We had Saturday evening, early Sunday. So we went around, yeah, the three burger places and then to Arby's on the Saturday night, Johnston said on Wednesday. “Then I took my manager to Katz Deli Sunday for lunch, because I can't find a better place that does pastrami, man. That thing's unreal.”

You read that right.

Less than a full day in the Big Apple … five ginormous sandwiches devoured.