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As Ryder Cup captains narrow pairings, they haven't deviated much from their As 2020 Ryder Cup captains narrow down pairings, they haven't deviated much from their guts

SHEBOYGAN, Wis. – Steve Stricker’s often-repeated goal as U.S. Ryder Cup captain has been to over-prepare, which is exactly what one would expect from the father of two who is steeped in midwestern sensibilities and blue-collar workmanship.

No stone unturned, no surprises, no detail too small. The U.S. team might be outplayed this week, again, but they won’t be out-planned and three days of practice with three different winds at Whistling Straits hasn’t altered the foundation of that blueprint.

“I was pretty set in my mind,” Stricker said when asked if his original plan for this week’s pairings remained unchanged.