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WarriorsHQ: What Kevin Durant’s injury means for game six against Rockets

00:00 – Intro

1:00 – No one does it better than Draymond Green in the fourth quarter

02:00 – Kevin Durant’s calf strain injury

04:25 – The Warriors template to win without Durant

05:40 – Green and Looney’s “inspired” defense

08:15 – Rockets normalizing pass interference

10:50 – Rockets are ready to win game six

11:30 – Kevon Looney, Jonas Jerebko and the bench will have to carry the load with Durant out

13:45 – Jacob Evans can wash away a season of bad basketball in game six

16:00 – Warriors have to throw the kitchen sink at the Rockets

20:15 – Steph’s ramped up aggression, Kevon’s “most important game” he’s played as a Warrior

21:30 – Offensive rebounds have changed the tone of the series

24:45 – Warriors tapped into “ineffable” qualities Draymond brings when Green made that three-point shot

31:50 – Firebrand Dieter and Bay Area media ruffles Houston’s feathers