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There's beautiful art in Draymond Green's Warriors antics

Draymond Green can be annoying. This isn’t exactly breaking news. It is in fact, perhaps the opposite of breaking news. It’s broken news. Dead news. You’ve heard it before, you know it to be true, you’ve made your peace with it. He’s too cocky, too opinionated, too lackadaisical. Announcers discovered the latter word in 2012 and have loved to throw it at Draymond in a blowout whenever they get the chance.

We all hold our breaths when Draymond’s chin-wagging with referees gets a little too heated. We cringe when he plays out of control. You know in your bones that his performances in high-stakes games can feel like a wild roll of the dice, a coin toss against a cosmos still somewhat indebted to the rule of law.