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Yellow Jacket Roundup: Comes in Second

Related Topics: Cary, Nicole Fegans, COVID-19, Liz Galarza

Is this the part of the article where I jam in a reference encouraging people to vote? Yes? No? But yeah, you should probably do that.

ATLANTA, GEORGIA — I’m not sure what you all find most satisfying about a gameday on the Flats - and don’t say something lame, like “winning” - but I can say for certain that hearing the whistle break the morning still on a crisp fall morning just hits differently. Whereas in a normal year I’d be on Yellow Jacket Alley as the trio of whistle blasts that signal the imminent arrival of the team (roughly three hours from Toe Meets Leather) break through the sky, this weekend I was walking along Tenth Street and it took my completely by surprise.