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Get to Know: Rodney Hennon

STATESBORO – This summer, each Georgia Southern head coach will be featured in a new series — "Know The Coach." Each week, a different head coach has been profiled where you can get to know them outside the competition field. Week eight features baseball coach Rodney Hennon. Check out what he had to say…

Born: Nov. 11, 1969 in Dalton, GA
Family: wife, Kim; children, Walker (22), Keeli (20), Carter (16)
Alma Mater: Dalton HS and Western Carolina University
Last series I binge-watched on a streaming service: Yellowstone
Who's on my playlist: Stevie Nicks
What I drive: Ford F-150
Favorite flicks: Stripes, Caddyshack
What I'm reading: Bible
Worst habit: Biting my fingernails
On my office walls: Family and team/sports pictures
Would love to trade places with for a day with: Rob Manfred
First job: Mowing Grass / Outdoor Maintenance (Summer for Carpets of Dalton)
Talent I'd like to have: Better Golf Game
Favorite meal: Prime Rib, Mashed Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Salad
Favorite athletes to watch in other sports: Doug Flutie, Walter Payton, John Elway, Larry Bird, Jack Nicklaus
Favorite Summer Olympics sport: Track & Field
One coaching peer I truly respect: Jack Leggett, Keith LeClair, Jack Stallings, Ron Polk
Favorite city to visit: Whitefish, MT
Favorite team as a kid: Atlanta Braves
Favorite values in others: Optimism
Favorite attribute about myself: Work Ethic
And least: Leaving work at work
My heroes: Jesus, my father, Lou Gehrig
My bucket list: Visit Jerusalem and the Holy Land
The professional athlete's poster I had on my wall: No Athletes - Cheryl Ladd from Charlies Angels
The thing I enjoy most about game day is: the rewarding feeling when our team has competed together at a very high level
I have a sweet tooth for: ice cream
I've cried while watching: Brian's Song (original movie), Pride of the Yankees
The celebrity I'd love to hang with for a night is: Bill Murray
The most famous person I've met: Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant