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Call It Dooley Field at Sanford Stadium

We’ll just call this one like it is.

About Dawg-Gone Time.

A motion for the naming has been forwarded to the University System’s Board of Regent for their May 14 meeting. But given that UGA already has plans for the naming to be celebrated and christened on Sept. 7 against Murray State, that May 14 meeting is a mere formality.

Dooley’s legacy at Georgia has two prongs. One, of course, is that of elevating the Bulldogs on-field stature as college football grew, the high point of course being a national title in 1980. The other aspect was shepherding Georgia’s other programs as athletics director, hiring two hall-of-fame coaches - Andy Landers (women’s basketball), Suzanne Yoculan (gymnastics) while also seeing the swimming and diving program become nationally elite and the baseball program become the first SEC team to win a national title.