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Florida State Seminoles: This week in Tomahawk Nation

It’s been a hella week, huh?

A roller coaster of emotions. The highs of the recruiting wins. The lows of the recruiting losses. The outrage at getting punked. The overreactions and pettiness of some FSU fans. The satisfaction and/or the dissatisfaction from this week’s results.

I had fun though, and after all, isn’t that all that should really matter to anyone reading this?

Please make sure you have checked out all of the FREE CONTENT TOMAHAWK NATION has posted this week for FLORIDA STATE SEMINOLE ATHLETICS.

Then share with us how your week went, your thoughts on the Final FSU ESD Recruiting class, tell us about that person at work that just annoys the crap out of you, and please feel free to post some pictures of your dogs, cats, and gerbils.