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FIU Drops Pitcher’s Duel to LIU-Brooklyn

MIAMI (March 10, 2019) – In a game that went eight innings on Sunday afternoon to close out the FAU/FIU Invitational, the Panthers fell 1-0 to visiting LIU-Brooklyn in a pitcher's duel.

With the loss, the Panthers fall to 17-8 on the year, while going 3-2 on the weekend at the FAU/FIU Invitational. FIU defeated North Dakota State (W/2-1), Stony Brook (W/3-0) and East Carolina (W/2-1), while falling to Purdue (L/3-6) and LIU-Brooklyn (L/0-1) on the weekend.

FIU's Allison Muraskin took the loss in the circle after allowing one run in one inning of work.