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Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott throws for 403 yards and 3 TDs in 1st game in 11 months

TAMPA, Fla. -- All along everybody associated with the Dallas Cowboys said they believed Dak Prescott would be Dak Prescott in the 2021 season opener.

It turns out they were right, but that was not enough to overcome Tom Brady and the defending Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers as the Cowboys lost, 31-29, on Thursday, on a 36-yard field goal by Ryan Succop with two second to play.

Considering it was Prescott's first live action in 11 months coming off a dislocation and compound fracture of his right ankle and a training camp in which he was limited by a strained latissimus muscle in his right shoulder, Prescott's play was astonishing if not highly surprising.