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MICAH RICHARDS: Everton have spent MORE than Real Madrid and Bayern Munich yet have gone backwards... they have got themselves into a horrible mess and it's going to be a long road back

The more I look at the numbers, the less I understand. Everton have invested £500million in five years on 44 players. It should have taken them forwards but they are going backwards.

Their net spend in that period of £213m dwarfs superpowers such as Bayern Munich and Real Madrid. In the Premier League, only the Manchester clubs have a bigger transfer deficit.

I simply cannot fathom how so much can be invested and for a team to be no better than they were before.

Everton's Merseyside defeat by Liverpool shows they are a long way off where they want to be
Everton have invested more than Bayern Munich and Real Madrid yet continue to go backwards (Owner Farhad Moshiri pictured)

As someone who loves football, it is so frustrating to watch the continual wasting of money.