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Cookson Describes 'Magical' Moment Of Watching Poem Come To Life

The Evertonian who crafted ‘home’, a poem celebrating Goodison Park for the Club’s 2018/19 Season Ticket campaign, described seeing his creation come to life as “magical”.

In ‘home’, Paul Cookson, a lifelong Evertonian and ‘Poet in Residence’ at the National Football Museum, eloquently celebrates the sights, sounds and rituals of a Goodison matchday, while also capturing the emotional lure of matchday rituals and devout loyalty of Everton Season Ticket holders.

The poem featured in the matchday programme and the composition’s accompanying video was played out on the big screens during the New Year’s Day visit of Manchester United, with Season Ticket sales set to commence for renewing members from 8am on Monday 15 January.