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YouTube Gold: Watch Dennis Rodman Neutralize A Player Who Is More Than A Foot Taller

Related Topics: Dennis Rodman, Gheorghe Muresan

There are a lot of things you can say about Dennis Rodman. Flake? Sure. Odd? Okay. Needs a lot of attention? No doubt.

But you also have to say these things: wicked smart. Relentless. And fearless.

Sometimes you could get all those things at once, or combinations thereof anyway.

For all his odd behavior, Rodman was never scared of anyone and never backed down. He was able to defend the much bigger Shaquille O’ Neal (7-1/325). And he wasn’t scared to take on the even bigger Gheorghe Mureu0219an.

Mureu0219an had an average NBA career at best, but he suffers from a pituitary gland disorder called agromegaly and grew to 7-7.