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Meet Duke Blue Devils star DeVon Edwards, the smoothie king of the ACC

Related Topics: Smoothie

What better time than July 4 to celebrate the long, rich and, yes, weird marriage between college football and food? From tailgating to meals at recruits' houses, food is a part of the sport's DNA. In honor of that tradition and the kickoff of summer picnics and BBQ season, we're taking a look at just a few of the many food-related stories dotting the CFB landscape.

The first thing people notice about DeVon Edwards is the smile. That's what grabs them, what brings them into his orbit.

Sure, he's usually sporting a Duke T-shirt, and the highlights of his first three seasons as a starter in the Blue Devils' secondary have made his name synonymous with the program's revival, but there's still a better chance folks around campus will recognize the smile before they remember it belongs to a football star.