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Spencer Turnbull strikes out 11 in Toledo debut

For five innings, starter Spencer Turnbull, making his Triple-A debut, was pure fire. Turnbull punched out 11 Clippers before fading late in his outing and surrendering three runs. He’s made a good case for a September call-up to Detroit. The Hens scored in the first when Christin Stewart drove in Jacob Robson with a single. They wouldn’t score again until Pete Kozma plated Stewart with a single in the bottom of the ninth. Unfortunately that’s where the comeback ended.

Stewart: 2-3, R, RBI, 2B, BB

Robson: 2-4, R, SO

u26a0ufe0f u26a0ufe0f WARNING u26a0ufe0f u26a0ufe0f: Your jaw may not leave the floor after watching all of @spencerturnbull strikeouts.