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Niyo: Money matters could cook up a bad look for MLB

They’re busy arguing over pieces of a pie they haven’t even baked yet.

And a quick glance at the recipe Major League Baseball owners conspicuously left on the counter for everyone to see over the weekend makes it clear a pandemic-style version of America’s pastime is going to look different, taste different and maybe even smell different.

In case you missed it, buried in the 67 pages of a “2020 Operations Manual” leaked to the media late last week was an item about discouraging players from showering at the ballpark after games. That’s in addition to a dizzying array of other COVID-19 protocols that’ll be required of all 30 MLB teams if the league hopes to play ball — everything from saliva tests to spitting bans, masks in dugouts and muzzled first-base greetings, reduced travel and no more Uber rides.