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Miguel Cabrera child support case: Do kids need dad more than money?

Miguel Cabrera has a delicate balancing act on his hands: He's trying to appease one woman while pleasing another. One is his wife and high school sweetheart; the other an ex-mistress.

Caught in the cross-hairs are five innocent children — three from his marriage, two from the affair.

For the $30-million-a-year baseball superstar embroiled in a legal fiasco that has so far been about money, a bigger perhaps more important issue remains: Can he be a good father to all five children, and does the law require that?

These questions have largely gone ignored in the 10-month-old legal feud in Florida, where a woman named Belkis Rodriguez, 35, is suing Cabrera for $100,000 a month in child support for the two children he fathered with her during a secret, years-long relationship.