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Green: Norm Cash's 1961 season was through the roof, but Tigers star had a secret

Special to The Detroit News

Detroit — Time was, we’d sit there in the top deck, second row, shooting the bull in the other home that we called “The Ballpark.” Plainly, just that, “The Ballpark.” Night games, they were a rarity. A treat. We would bask in the sunshine most every day and watch the athletes down below as we tossed out the odd comment.

The games were precious. And so were the ballplayers. Al Kaline, still a kid. Norm Cash, “Stormin' Norman.” Frank Lary, “Taters.” Rocky Colavito, “Don’t Knock The Rock.”

Norm Cash was the American League batting champion in 1961 with a .361 average. He also belted 41 home runs.

The conversation would turn deep.