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Anthony Gose will have shot to start in centerfield for Detroit Tigers

The Detroit Tigers could have traded Anthony Gose this winter.

They had multiple teams interested in the centerfielder, general manager Al Avila said Wednesday, but elected to keep Gose to compete for a staring job in spring training.

Avila, speaking with Tigers radio broadcaster Dan Dickerson and Oakland Press columnist Pat Caputo on WXYT-FM’s weekly Tiger Talk show, said there is a reason for that.

“We’ve kept Gose along this whole time because we feel Anthony Gose is a very good outfielder,” Avila said. “He can play good defense. We’ve actually had a couple teams that have had interest in him for the same reason, because they feel that he’s a good outfielder, so we wanted to keep him around and have him in the mix, too, unless something happens of course down the road.