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Darren McCarty at opening of recreational marijuana shop in Ann Arbor: 'It’s about time'

ANN ARBOR — The longest operating medical marijuana dispensary in Michigan was the latest to add recreational weed sales Monday.

Om of Medicine in Ann Arbor opened in June of 2010, 18 months after Michigan voters legalized marijuana for medical use. But on Monday, founders Mark Passerini and Keith Lambert opened their small storefront tucked on Main Street in Ann Arbor for sales of legal weed to anyone over the age of 21.

“I feel like the battle has been won, but the war is far from over. The fact that we're only the 11th state that has passed marijuana legalization means that there are 39 states where this is not legal and people can still potentially go to jail or have a criminal record and have their lives turned upside down,” Passerini said.